
Featured Project


GraphCMS is a blog application inspired by Medium, designed to explore the integration of GraphQL with the front end. The backend is powered by Hygraph, a headless CMS, while the frontend is built using Next.js. This setup leverages GraphQL for efficient data querying and management, resulting in a seamless and dynamic content creation and display experience.


GraphQL Integration: GraphQL is used to query and manage data, offering a flexible and efficient way to interact with the backend. This allows for precise data fetching, reducing the amount of data transferred and improving performance.
Hygraph Headless CMS: Hygraph serves as the content management system, providing a robust and scalable backend solution. It allows for easy content creation and management, decoupled from the presentation layer.
Minimalist Design: The application features a minimalist design that prioritizes comfortable readability, fostering a distraction-free reading experience. Leveraging Next.js for the frontend enhances performance, delivering a faster and more responsive user experience. Additionally, Tailwind CSS is utilized for styling, facilitating a clean and modern design with minimal effort. Its utility-first approach enables rapid customization, ensuring a consistent look and feel throughout the application.
Content Filtering: Users can filter content by specific authors or categories, allowing for a personalized reading experience. This feature enhances user engagement by making it easier to find relevant content.
Component-Based Architecture and DRY Principle: The application follows a component-based architecture and adheres to the (DRY) principle. By encapsulating UI elements into reusable components, the application promotes reusability and maintainability, simplifying the development process and ensuring consistent functionality.


Frontend: Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Moment.js
Backend: Hygraph (headless CMS), GraphQL


  • Combines powerful technologies and best practices to deliver a modern, efficient, and user-friendly blogging platform.
  • Utilizes a component-based architecture and adheres to the DRY principle, ensuring maintainability and scalability.
  • Provides an optimal experience for both creators and readers through seamless content creation, efficient data management, and a focus on readability and user engagement.
