
Featured Project


INOVEX is an internal web application designed to help agencies manage and monitor their services, clients, quotations, orders, sales, accounts, and workflow. Inspired by AgencyHandy, this project emphasizes clean, maintainable code and modern technologies.

Agency Management: Comprehensive management of services, clients, quotations, orders, sales, accounts, and workflow.
Theme Customization: Implemented user-friendly theme customization using Redux and mui-color-input.
Authentication: Utilized bcrypt and JWT for secure authentication.

Frontend: React, Redux Toolkit, Tailwind, MUIv5, Axios, SWR, Material-Icons, Moment.js, React-Dropzone, React-Quill, React-Beautiful-DnD, Zod, React-Hook-Form, React-Router-Dom-v6, MUI-Color-Input, MUI-Data-Grid.
Backend: Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, CORS, JWT, Bcrypt, Body-Parser, Multer, Cloudinary.

  • Showcases my ability to use modern technologies and features, emphasizing clean and maintainable code.
  • Adhered to the DRY principle and employed a solid component-based architecture.
  • Future plans include converting to atomic design for improved maintainability.
